Currently open to remote roles

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Senior Software Engineer

Feb 2020 - June 2020

  • Prototype implementation of core infrastructure on AWS for handling financial transactions asynchronously and robustly at scale
  • Built out the CI/CD process for our team starting with Gradle, Github Actions, CircleCI, and AWS Codebuild
  • Leveraged AWS cloud services ECS, ECR, SQS, SNS, IAM, DynamoDb, QLDB, Kafka and Lambda in the building/running of our systems
  • Ensured all code was peer reviewed, unit tested, integration tested, and built out actual services to mock interactions where needed to exercise functionality not sufficiently provided by mocking frameworks
  • Developed open source commits on community built software to add functionality that my team needed when it was not available

Capital One

Senior Software Engineer

April 2018 - January 2020

  • Built backend services for beneficiaries and trust banking products where I mainly focused on everything at the api gateway and beyond
  • Developed a set of Python scripts to facilitate the migration of hundreds of thousands of records from a legacy backend system to a newly created backend
  • Supported our banking production applications and performed bug fixes as needed through the life time of the products in my space

JP Morgan Chase

Senior Associate

Feb 2014 - April 2018

  • Engineered our systems to leverage distributed tracing with spring cloud sleuth and Zipkin
  • Leveraged CQRS patterns, Distributed Tracing with Zipkin, 12 factor application development, Kafka, Cassandra, and Spring State Machine to develop an in-house microservices framework
  • Lead training initiatives to develop engineer skillsets in Kafka software
  • Moved several CCB applications into an autonomous application architecture, driven by the decoupling nature of events on Kafka and data at the edge
  • Leveraged Cucumber to establish an automatic functional testing suite which became a major part of our CI/CD pipeline
  • Lead development on a new microservice which adhered to 12 Factor Application standards and was developed with Spring boot, Swagger, Mybatis, Hystrix, and log4j2
  • Lead development effort on security uplift. Architected and implemented new api security lever- aging spring security and ldap authentication
  • Lead Chief Development Office efforts on unit testing coverage uplift(Mockito, Junit, Power-mock), code promotion process(Git work flow, toll gate adherence), and mentored new team members on Java development best practices
  • Served as SME for one of our Hadoop Ingestion feature sets. Completed all bug fixes, documentation, and training on the usage of this application